The bv02 team loves being involved in the community, whether it’s the local art community or the international technology community, so it’s no surprise we have a slew of upcoming community events. One of the events we’re most excited to be involved in? The Gusty Walk taking place on Sunday, June 9th.
What’s the Gutsy Walk? It’s a fundraiser in support of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC), an organization dedicated to finding a cure for these gastrointestinal illnesses. Our very own strategist Matt Davidson is actively involved with the CCFC and is helping to put together this year’s Gutsy Walk, and when he asked us to form a team, we knew it would be an event we didn’t want to miss.
After being diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in 2010, Matt began to see first-hand the impact the disease has on the people it affects, and how prevalent it is in Ottawa. He immediately became involved with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada and now sits on the board for the Ottawa chapter as the Director of Digital Media (a fitting role, given his wealth of experience!)
bv02 will be joining Matt this June 9th for the Gutsy Walk, the Foundation’s biggest annual fundraiser. Further to our individual participation, the agency has pledged to be a Partner of the event, contributing even more to the cause. The best part? The team is open to the whole community, and we have some amazing “guest stars” on this year’s Gutsy Walk team, including Suzy Kendrick and Amie Beausoleil. Want to join us for a morning of fun? Register for the bv02 team today.
Don’t feel like walking in this year’s event? You can still contribute to help eradicate Crohns and Colitis!
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