Life Without Google
It’s pretty hard to imagine life before Google. From search to collaboration to email, if it wasn’t for Google most of us wouldn’t be able to find distracting content and social meme’s on the web.

All kidding a side, Google is playing a big role in the growth and transition from what web was to what web will be. Here’s an infographic showing the timeline of when Google released some of it’s most popular features along with a brief explanation for each. It’s worth having a look to see what your work/life/play might be like without Google. Feedback welcome, I would like to hear your thoughts.

Infographic courtesy of SingleGrain

For more information on how Google is changing the web and the world at large, check out the links below:

3 Things Google is doing new today:
Why Google Is Investing $168 Million in a Giant Solar Farm

Your Web, Half a Second Sooner

Google’s Android 3.0 Honeycomb for tablets: a guided tour of the UI (video)

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