For your viewing pleasure, and simply to brighten up your day on this dreary Tuesday afternoon… I present to you, Herding Cats.

I don’t know what it is about the Internet and cats. We have this one, this one and this one. Oh and we can’t forget this one.

Ikea knows what the Internet wants and gives it to us with a new campaign, “Ikea Cats.”  Ikea set 100 ordinary house cats free in one of their stores, taped the results, and from it, created a commercial advertisement and  cat-ologue.

“The idea behind the work is that cats know better than anything what makes them feel happy inside. They live their lives in pursuit of their own comfort. So we released a hundred cats into the Ikea Wembley store, for real, to see where they went and what furniture made them happy,” said the creative director of the project, Feh Tarty.

The Swedish company is known for their affordable, modern, innovative designs and the same can be said about their advertising campaigns.

Everyone that knows me, knows that I love cats so needless to say, this made me feel very happy inside.

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