Today’s online world is crowded with visual clutter. The level of engagement happening outside of the web is high, and it appears in the form of new media.

Why? Well to begin with, more than half of mobile users in Canada have an Internet-ready device, so an increasing number of users are browsing the Web on their mobile, where text can be difficult to read. Secondly, individuals no longer have the time to read pages of text on a computer and mobile device – or, they simply don’t want to.

However, there’s no underestimating the powerful effect of the written word. Kinetic typography, the technical name for “moving text,” is a clever way to make simple text stand above the rest. Because it has demonstrated the ability to evoke strong emotion and appeal in the viewer, it is now successfully used in marketing and advertising. Research suggests that time-based presentation of text can be used effectively to capture and manipulate a viewer’s attention and in some cases improve overall reading performance.

Take a peak at these video examples using kinetic typography:

If you vote, Starbucks buys your coffee. (U.S. only)

A clever ad for the Lexus. Can you guess what it is?

Our new media specialist, Matt Davidson, is currently working on his own motion typography video.

Check back soon!

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