Ghosts of Clients Past


I have recently been posting resume and interview ‘tips’ on Twitter based on some of the poorly written resumes that have been crossing my desk as of late. Some of these were valid recommendations. Others were laced with sarcasm (I try to be professional, but come on, add YOUR NAME to your resume. We’ll need it for your paycheck). After reading some of my tweets a member of the bv02 team suggested that I blog some of these points. I think she wanted me to rant. So I will. A bit. But not about resumes….

When I was a younger man I dated some really nice girls. I also dated some that weren’t so nice. Then there was the group that can only be labeled as ‘insane’. Upon breakup, the nice girls remained friends of mine. The ‘not so nice’ girls became acquaintances whom I would bump into every now and again and have a fake, but civilized, conversation with. But the insane girls, I wanted them to get far, far away from me. Crazy is crazy is crazy. So when I said ‘get the hell away from me’ I meant it. It was a sincere statement.

I am now older, married and more mature then I was. But the same principles stand, only now it’s for clients. If you’re a good person, I want to work with you. I will go out of my way to accommodate you and I want the relationship to continue. If you’re less than nice, but have a fun project and a good budget, I’ll make it work so that everyone is happy in the end. It will likely be a short lived relationship, but we’ll both get something out of it. If you are a crazy person who takes advantage of me and my team, then when I say ‘the project is done’, I really mean ‘THE PROJECT IS DONE’. Don’t e-mail out of the blue, don’t call for a favour, don’t pretend that you are a normal, functioning member of society. Go home, pull the drapes and update your Facebook status every 2 minutes.

This sounds harsh, I know. But the business lesson is this…..sometimes you need to be firm and push back if your business is to succeed. There are people out there who will take advantage of you. Don’t let them.

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