Hiring: Two Year Olds Wanted


Two year olds have things figured out. If they don’t like something, they say ‘no’. If they disagree with you, they say ‘no’. If they feel that you are being unreasonable (this is not the place to discuss whether or not a two year old is capable of reason) they say ‘no’. In my experience there are three ways in which to overcome these objections:

1. You pick them up and make them do what you want
2. You bribe them
3. You spray them with a hose (strongly frowned upon by mothers of two year olds)

Otherwise, you pretty much cave in.

I’m now looking to hire a 2 year old. Why? Because most people have a really hard time saying ‘no’, especially to clients, and sometimes you really need to. Not always. Perhaps not even often. But sometimes. Sometimes it’s for their own good. Sometimes it’s to save your own ass (both valid reasons in my mind) and sometimes, like with the two year old, it just feels good to say ‘no’.

Resumes can be sent to careers@bv02.com. Hand prints and colouring outside of the line are also accepted.

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