Stroll into any web development conference or meetup and you will encounter a wide variety of common things: skill sets, plaid and gamer t-shirts, Apple devices, and of course beer. October’s EECI Conference 2011 in Brooklyn, NY was no different – but, it offered more information and insight into the specific technology at hand than any other of its type. This was no ordinary developer conference. EECI 2011 was a collection of the best and brightest in the biz.
The meat of the matter is EllisLab’s ExpressionEngine, which is our content-management system of choice here at bv02, hands-down. EE 2.3.1, the current stable version of the product, written on the CodeIgniter library, is rapidly becoming the most popular and respected CMS available. Power, flexibility, and community involvement are making this an exciting time to be an EE developer and there is no end in sight to its growth.
Day one featured the 2nd annual DevDay, a collaboration event where teams of ten, containing developers, designers, and strategists/planners are given ten hours to complete a fully-functional website for Bonita Avenue (a fictional rock group from the Netherlands). The group bv02 was a part of, Team 14, took it a step further by pushing out the final product live the next day.
Rich in {code examples}, community engagement, comedy and candy-prizes to boot, the presentations given by an array of rock star EE developers this week pleased a room full of nerds, hipsters, and hipster-nerds to the fullest. Believe me, no meme was left untouched.
Highlights include: Travis Schmeisser (of Structure fame) encouraging add-on development, Focus‘ Eric Reagan on debugging and version control in EE, Low‘s Parse Order talk and, of course, Paul Burton’s passionate call to end “work-for-hire” and how to make the move to self-employment.
Big thanks to Robert Eerhart for organizing EECI2011, Leslie Flinger (our graceful emcee) and Lucien at Invisible Dog art gallery for hosting.
Last but not least, a huge shout out to all the great folks we met — looking forward to seeing you all again at EECI 2012 in…Toronto?
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having recently moved to Toronto, I’m all for that. EECI this year was awesome.
Crossing our fingers for a Toronto EECI 2012!
Great post Dan, sounds like the event was a success. Looking forward to hearing more about the next steps for the Expression Engine CMS. Thanks for all the posts, tweets, and videos.
Thank you, Andrew – really happy we got the chance to attend this year. Learned a tonne of new stuff & connected with so many great folks!
Loving all the posts/videos/media taken by our team at EECI. bv02 represent!