excited. scared: headlining my very own project.


I’ve been given an outline for a project in which I have total control over. I’ve been given some objectives that bv02 wants me to reach, and I get to choose how I go about executing the project. My preliminary research is helping me understand exactly how I should approach monitoring, I get to decide my course of action. So much freedom! A little scary, but then again, I find I perform best when given a challenge and put under a little bit of pressure.

Yes, the world of social media is fairly new to me. Yes, when I think I’ve finally mastered a concept or tool, I soon discover that I missed out on a fairly crucial element to its application. Example: I discovered the URL shortener bit ly a couple of weeks ago. I assumed it’s usefulness lay in, well, shortening long URLs. Yesterday when looking into tools for tracking Twitter, I discover that its usefulness actually lies in its ability to track how many people click on the link, I was amazed that it goes so far as to showing where these people are coming from geographically.

Despite my new acquaintance with the web 2.0 and my nonstop daily discoveries, I really believe that headlining a project of my own will push me. There’s only so much reading articles will take you.  To really learn something new, it’s all about the practice of doing. Because of the analytics involved with the project, I will be able to trace what is working, and what isn’t.

Something else appealing about this project is that it’s for McGill University Alumni – which I’m part of! Having graduated from McGill less than a year ago, I’m hoping my connection with the school will help me out with this project.


Decided it would be fitting to include a picture of the McGill campus in the wintertime. As much as I hated trekking to class in -20 celsius weather, the campus was absolutely stunning. Oh man, I miss McGill.

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One response to “excited. scared: headlining my very own project.”

  1. shannon says:

    Aw, Rachel, my little McGill prodigy. I’m so proud of you! Keep up the good work 🙂