

The University of Ottawa is one of Canada’s leading Universities. It is also one of Canada’s oldest and most prestigious universities, on top of being Canada’s only fully bilingual university. bv02 was asked to redesign the entire uOttawa website to meet the changing needs of the University as it reaches out to engage a larger audience. bv02 redeveloped the site’s main navigation design and layout to better assist visitors in quickly finding what they were looking for. The redesign incorporates a clean and crisp look and feel with high contrast and little clutter, maximizing the site’s usability. The redesign brought a quick and overwhelmingly positive response as the uOttawa community now finds the site much easier to use.

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One response to “uOttawa”

  1. Track Jacket says:

    sometimes i find digital arts a bit weird looking he he he, but of course they are very cool too “.~