WTF is with all the Web Acronyms?


Ah, acronyms. They are supposed make things easier, and shorter. Right? Then how come there are so many ridiculous web acronyms out there? What do they all mean? Just say what you want to say! Are people really that lazy that they can’t type an extra 12 letters? Most of the time, people end up having to explain what the acronym means, so it’s really not all that efficient.

You’ve gotta admit, it’s getting out of hand. It seems that all started with chat and text messaging. People got lazy and shortened sayings, and full sentences into acronyms. Even sayings that weren’t common became common acronyms, like ROFL. Does anyone ever really want to say that they are “Rolling On Floor Laughing?” No, they don’t.

Recently, a few of our clients have expressed their frustrations with not being able to understand this new language. And it got us thinking, they’re right! We’ve decided to throw together a list of the most common, and annoyingly frustrating, acronyms that we’ve come across on the web. Here we go.

b/c – Because

BRB – Be Right Back

BSTS – Better Safe Than Sorry

BTW – By the Way

DTMS – Does That make Sense? …well no, it doesn’t!

DWMT – Don’t Waste My Time

JK – Just Kidding

LMAO – Laugh My Ass Off

LOL – Laugh Out Loud

NP – No Problem

OMG – Oh My God

ROFL – Rolling on Floor Laughing

TBMS – To Be More Specific

TCFC – Too Close For Comfort

THX – Thanks

TMI – Too Much Information

TMSIDK – Tell Me Something I Don’t Know

TTYL – Talk to You Later

WTF – What the F-…well you know.

YNK – You Never Know

I’m not saying that we should get rid of acronyms all together. I myself am quite guilty of using them from time to time, and they can in fact be useful. But it’s going too far. I am just waiting for the day when I open an email and all I see is acronyms.

If you have any acronyms to add to our list, please feel free to comment. Also, if you have any questions about any acronyms that we didn’t cover we’ll do our best to answer you!

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3 responses to “WTF is with all the Web Acronyms?”

  1. Desirae says:

    I’ve found “LMK” has creeped its way into my acronym vocabulary thanks to the influence of some speedily-typed work emails! It stands for “let me know” and tends to get added to any kind of confirmation or question emails I send these days.

    There are definitely some new acronyms on this list I’ve never heard before – thanks for sharing!

  2. Julie says:

    What about IDK. (I don’t know.) I got that one last week. Then I was like, WTF. 🙂