

I need time. A lot of it. I don’t need another 30 minutes in the day. I need another day. And more time in that day. I need so much time in this other day, that I need another day. I need two days. Forever. (Figure that one out!)

Small business is like a drug. You try to leave it on occasion. Get a job with a large company or government department, pocket a good salary, work ‘normal’ hours….book your holidays… and actually take them. But it never lasts. Boredom sets in. Frustration, or even worse, apathy, blankets you. The eyes glaze over and the next thing you know it’s a coffee and muffin break every 30 minutes. No, once you have worked for yourself, succeeded or failed based solely on your own efforts, it stays in your blood and eventually you follow that call home….to small business.

The problem of course is that once back in small business, you have no time. Actually, you have time, just too much to do within the time given to you by the time Gods (clients, staff, family). My two business partners and I have tried to take a day away to do some business planning 3 times over the past year. Each time we have had to cancel due to client demands or new and exciting business opportunities arising. We NEED to spend some time honing the bv02 business strategy and plan…but we also NEED to ensure that key clients are looked after, opportunities are being seized, our children are fed and the staff cleaned (or something like that). In the end. We NEED more time. I need two days. Forever.

You know what? Dickens summed up small business best (okay, perhaps he was referring to something else…but it fits):

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way…..(sounds like every Monday of my life!)

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One response to “Time”

  1. Andrew Milne says:

    Jud, great comments all around. I as well have been thinking about this and in all seriousness… Have decided to go this route. http://science.discovery.com/interactives/time-machine/time-machine.html

    Now if i could only find the time!